A must for those who don’t like natto! 9 natto alternatives +1

I know natto is good for my health, but I can't eat it because of its unique smell and stickiness.However, I want to tak...

Differences in Body Odor between Japanese and Foreigners: Surprising Relationship between Genetics and Culture

Are you concerned about body odor from foreigners? Different countries and cultures show great differences in how they p...

Why Do People Smell Their Own Feet?3 Causes and Surprising Effects

When you are alone in a room, you end up smelling your own feet...Have you ever had this experience? I have.In this arti...

Causes and Countermeasures for Body Odor in Junior High School Students: Body odor can be a target of bullying…

Junior high school students who have reached puberty begin to worry about body odor as their bodies change.During this p...