What should you do if you are not a groundhog? Ten solutions


Feeling “dumb” or “incomprehensible” is something that many people experience.
We may realize that we have a poor grounding in various situations, such as not getting good grades in school, taking a long time to learn new things, or being slow to understand things.
However, groundwork can be acquired and improved.
This article details 10 ways to train your brain to become smarter for those who feel they have a bad grounding.

Causes of Feeling Badly Grounded.

1. Genetic Factors

It is often said that “smart guys are different on a genetic level,” and while that is true, it is not 100% the only factor. It is said that there are genetic influences on brain structure and function. For example, memory and information processing speed vary from individual to individual due to genetic factors. However, genetics alone does not determine ground intelligence.

Environmental factors and individual effort can significantly alter brain function.

In fact, studies of identical twins have shown that even twins with the same genes show differences in intelligence quotient (IQ) depending on the environment in which they were raised. In other words, although there is a genetic influence, environmental factors have an even greater impact on the development of the ground intelligence.

In addition, research on brain plasticity (flexibility) has shown that brain structure and function can be changed through appropriate stimulation and training. In other words, despite genetic limitations, there is ample room for individuals to improve their ground intelligence through their own efforts.

2. Learning Environment

The learning environment and educational opportunities during childhood have a significant impact on the development of the geographical brain.
Lack of proper education or lack of interest in learning can hinder brain development.
Family environment and socioeconomic factors also contribute to differences in learning opportunities.

For example, children from poor families may have limited educational resources and learning opportunities, which may impede their development of their groundwork.
The level of parental education and involvement can also affect children’s learning motivation and habits.

On the other hand, a rich learning environment and appropriate educational interventions can promote the development of groundwork.
A learning environment that includes quality educational programs, individualized instruction, and learning materials that stimulate interest can support children’s brain development.

As adults, it is important to create a learning environment that is conducive to learning.
By creating positive opportunities to learn new things and creating an environment that stimulates intellectual curiosity, we can maintain brain plasticity and improve grounding throughout life.

3. Lifestyle

Poor lifestyle habits such as lack of sleep, unbalanced diet, and lack of exercise can impair brain function.
In particular, sleep plays an important role in memory consolidation and brain rest.
Without adequate sleep, you may find that your ability to concentrate and think is impaired, and you may feel that you have lost ground.

During sleep, the brain organizes and fixes memories.
Getting enough sleep helps to consolidate what you have learned into long-term memory.
Conversely, chronic sleep deprivation can negatively affect brain function, such as reduced memory, concentration, and stress tolerance.

Diet also has a significant impact on brain health.
Although the brain accounts for only 2% of body weight, it uses 20% of the total body’s energy expenditure.
A well-balanced diet is essential for optimal brain function.
In particular, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and antioxidants play an important role in brain health.

Lack of exercise also leads to poor brain function.
Moderate exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which stimulates brain cell activity and the production of new nerve cells.
Conversely, inactivity can reduce brain plasticity and accelerate cognitive decline.

4. Thought Patterns

Fixed and negative thinking can impede problem-solving skills and reduce groundedness.
Thinking patterns such as “I can’t do it,” or “It’s impossible anyway,” can reduce a person’s willingness to try new things and learn.
Fear of failure also prevents the brain from being adequately stimulated.

Fixed thinking is a way of thinking that one’s intelligence cannot be changed and that it is futile to try.
People with this thinking pattern tend to avoid challenges for fear of failure.
As a result, the brain is not given new stimulation, and the development of the mind is inhibited.

On the other hand, people with a growth mindset believe that “if you work hard, your abilities will grow,” and that “failure is an opportunity for growth.
People with this thinking pattern are not afraid of failure, but are willing to take on challenges and actively take opportunities to learn new things.
As a result, their brains are stimulated appropriately, and their groundwork improves.

Negative thinking also hinders the development of the brain.
Negative self-perceptions, such as “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never be good enough,” reduce motivation to learn and hinder the ability to perform to the best of one’s ability.
Getting out of negative thinking and believing in one’s own potential is the first step to improving one’s groundwork.

To change your thinking patterns, you must be aware of your thinking and make an effort to be flexible and change it.
Once you become aware of fixed or negative thinking, consciously adopt a positive and growth mindset to replace it.
Believing in your potential and continuing to make positive efforts is key to improving your groundwork.

10 ways to train your brain to be smarter.

1. Read book

Reading is a very effective way to increase your knowledge and improve your thinking skills.
Reading books helps you learn new information and concepts and develop your language skills and imagination.
In addition, by reading books in a variety of genres, you will be exposed to diverse perspectives and ways of thinking, which will help you develop flexible thinking skills.

To make reading a habit, it is important to choose books that match your interests and concerns.
Start with short periods of time and gradually increase your reading time.
It is also a good idea to use your commute or break time.

What should you do if you are not a groundhog? Ten solutions

2. Do brain training

Brain training, such as puzzles and quizzes, improves the cognitive function of the brain.
There are many types of brain training, including logic puzzles, crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and memory games.
These brain training exercises can help you develop your logical thinking, judgment, and concentration skills.

When starting brain training, it is important to choose a level that is appropriate for you.
If it is too difficult, you may feel frustrated, and if it is too easy, you may feel unsatisfied.
It is important to use a moderate level of difficulty and continue to have fun while doing it.

There are many brain training books available at Daiso, Celia, and other 100-yen stores, so it is a good idea to try those first.
Sudoku, which uses paper and pencil, is recommended for men and women of all ages.

What should you do if you are not a groundhog? Ten solutions


3. Get a good night’s sleep

Adequate sleep is critical for restoring brain function.
During sleep, the brain relieves daytime fatigue, organizes memory, and consolidates what has been learned.
A good quality sleep will improve your memory and concentration, and you will feel more grounded.

To get a good night’s sleep, it is important to maintain a regular rhythm in your life.
Go to bed and get up at a regular time every day and make sure you get enough sleep.
It is also important to relax before going to bed and avoid using smartphones and computers.

4. Maintain a well-balanced diet

A balanced diet is essential to maintain brain health.
Although the brain makes up only 2% of your body weight, it accounts for 20% of your total body energy expenditure.
To maintain optimal brain function, you need to consume the right nutrients.

In particular, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and antioxidants play an important role in brain health.
Include foods rich in these nutrients, such as blue fish, nuts, green and yellow vegetables, and whole grains.
It is also important to moderate your intake of excessive sugar and trans fats.

5Ј. Incorporate moderate exercise

Moderate exercise promotes blood flow to the brain and activates brain cells.
Exercise increases the secretion of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to stress reduction and improved mood.
Exercise has also been shown to promote the generation of new brain cells (neurogenesis).

Habitual exercise will improve memory and concentration, and you will feel more grounded.
Exercise can be walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, or whatever suits you best.
Aim for about 30 minutes of exercise per day, and it is important to continue to do so as long as it is not too strenuous.

6. Try something new

Challenging yourself with something new can stimulate your brain and increase flexibility.
By challenging yourself with the unknown, the brain forms new neural pathways that improve your ability to learn and adapt.
New experiences also help maintain brain plasticity and prevent age-related cognitive decline.

Learn a new skill in an area of interest or take up a new hobby.
For example, playing a musical instrument, learning a foreign language, cooking, painting, or engaging in other activities that stimulate your interest and curiosity is recommended.
It is important to enjoy and challenge yourself without fear of failure.

7. Engage in Conversation with People

Conversation with others stimulates the brain and improves thinking. By verbalizing your thoughts and listening to others’ opinions through conversation, you can acquire multiple perspectives. Communication also helps with stress reduction and emotional regulation.

Actively communicating with others helps activate the brain. Engage in conversations with family and friends, as well as in exchanges of ideas and discussions in learning and business situations. Online communication is also a great way to stimulate your brain.

8Ј. Incorporate meditation.

Meditation is an effective way to relax the brain and improve concentration.
Meditation can reduce stress and improve emotional control.
Meditation has also been shown to increase activity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, improving decision-making and problem-solving skills.

To begin meditating, start with simple breathing exercises.
Sit or lie down in a quiet place and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.
Concentrate on this breath and if any thoughts come to mind, observe them quietly and then return your attention to the breath again.
Start with five minutes a day and gradually increase the time.

9. Take adequate rest.

The brain recovers from fatigue and maintains its functions by resting.
It is difficult to maintain concentration and thinking for long periods of time. Taking moderate breaks in between work or study can help prevent brain fatigue.

Stretching or doing light exercise during breaks can be effective.
Spending time in nature is also said to be highly relaxing.
We recommend taking walks in parks and green areas, gardening, and other opportunities to get in touch with nature.

10. Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is an important factor in gaining ground.
Without self-confidence, you will be less willing to try new things and learn. Fear of failure prevents you from stimulating your brain sufficiently.

Believing in your abilities and being proactive will help stimulate your brain.
It is important to accumulate small successes and recognize your strengths.
Praising yourself and accepting positive feedback from those around you will also boost your confidence.


Q1. Is the gecephaly determined by heredity?

A1. Although genetic factors play a role in the gecephaly, it can be greatly improved by the environment and effort.
Heredity does not determine gecephaly, but is the foundation for an individual’s potential.
With proper education, learning environment, and lifestyle, one’s head can be improved.

Q2. Isn’t it too late to improve one’s geographical ability at any age?

A2. It is important to make efforts to improve one’s geographical ability regardless of age.
Brain plasticity continues throughout life, so it is possible to improve one’s geographical features at any age.
However, as we age, it may take longer to learn new things.
However, through continuous learning and brain stimulation, brain function can be maintained and improved even at an older age.

Q3. How long does it take for my geographical brain to improve?

A3. The length of time it takes to improve one’s grounding varies greatly from person to person.
The required period varies depending on the difficulty of the study content, the individual’s learning ability, and the level of effort.
In general, it can be expected that students will gradually improve their groundwork over a period of several months to several years.
The important thing is to continue to make a steady effort every day.
It is important to work steadily with a long-term perspective, rather than expecting big changes in a short period of time.


If you feel you are not grounded, there is no need to give up.
You can improve your groundwork by reading, brain training, getting good sleep, eating a balanced diet, exercising moderately, trying new things, talking to people, meditating, getting adequate rest, and being confident.

By practicing these methods, you can improve brain function and improve your ability to learn and solve problems.
Maintaining brain health can also help prevent age-related cognitive decline.

Groundwork is not something you are born with.
Daily accumulation is the key to improving one’s groundwork.
Why don’t you start making an effort to train your brain, even if it is just a little bit today?
You will surely see wonderful changes in your life.

Believing in your potential and continuing to work hard without giving up are the most important points to improve your groundwork.
Use the 10 methods described in this article to find the best method for you and put it into practice.
Improving your groundwork will expand your potential not only in terms of learning, but also in many other aspects of your work and daily life.

Have a Good Life!
