aThe Truth About Oily Junk Food The truth about greasy junk food


Junk food is so tasty and easy to eat that it is easy to overeat.
But behind the scenes, the effects of junk food on your health may be more serious than you think.
In this article, we will get to the bottom of why greasy junk food is “scarier than cigarettes.

What is Junk Food?

Junk food is food that is low in nutritional value, yet high in calories, fat, sugar, and salt.
Typical examples are hamburgers, fried chicken, pizza, snack foods, and ice cream.
These foods give temporary satisfaction, but are nutritionally “crap”.
In other words, they can be worthless or harmful to health.

This section takes a deep dive into the risks of junk food consumption and explains its impact on health.

Why is fast food so appealing?

There are several reasons why fast food is widely popular among many people, especially young people.

  • Easiness:
    Fast food is most appealing because it is easy to eat in our busy daily lives.
    It is a quick and easy way to get a meal when you are short on time or don’t have the energy to cook.
  • Taste consistency:
    At major fast food chains, you can enjoy the same taste no matter where you eat.
    This consistency gives you a sense of security and trust.
  • Low Cost:
    Many fast foods are relatively inexpensive, making them economically appealing because you can have a satisfying meal on a small budget.
  • Taste:
    Fast food emphasizes instinctive human tastes, such as greasy, sweet, and salty.
    This is a strong temptation for many people.

However, despite this tempting aspect, frequent consumption of fast food should be avoided because of its health effects.

Tips for avoiding fast food

Here are some tips to avoid the temptation of fast food.

  • Review your rewards:
    Review your habit of using food as a stress reliever or reward.
    Instead, reward yourself with healthy and enjoyable activities such as reading, watching movies, or playing sports to reduce your dependence on food.
  • Plan your meals in advance:
    Plan your meals on a weekly or daily basis and set aside time to cook your own meals with healthy ingredients.
    Meal planning will help reduce your reliance on eating out and fast food.
  • Choose healthy menu items from fast food restaurants:.
    If eating out is unavoidable, choose healthy options from the menu.
    Consider choosing more nutritionally balanced menu items such as salads, grilled meats, and vegetable-rich dishes.
  • Find healthier alternatives:
    Find healthy alternatives that mimic the flavors and textures found in fast food.
    For example, oven-baked vegetables instead of fried foods or fruit instead of high-calorie desserts.
  • Enjoy healthy activities with acquaintances, friends, and family:.
    If you are having a gathering of some sort and the venue is a suggested fast food restaurant, suggest a restaurant that serves healthy food or a picnic or home party where you can enjoy a healthy meal together.
  • Raise awareness:
    It is important to learn about and raise awareness of the health risks of fast food.
    The more knowledge you have, the stronger your motivation to avoid negative health effects.

By incorporating these tips into your life, you can reduce your dependence on fast food and achieve a healthier diet.
Food is more than just a source of energy; it is an important means of maintaining good health and preventing disease.
Be conscious of your daily food choices and aim for a high quality of life.

Risks of Junk Food Consumption

Excessive junk food consumption is a problem for many people in today’s society.
The resulting health problems are manifold and go beyond simple weight gain, increasing the risk of a variety of diseases, including.

Heart disease

Junk food is typically rich in saturated and trans fats.
These raise blood cholesterol levels and increase fat deposits in the arterial walls.
This leads to atherosclerosis, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
High-salt foods also raise blood pressure and increase the burden on the heart.


Junk food is very high in calories, yet lacks the nutrients needed to make us feel full.
As a result, it leads to overeating and increased caloric intake.
Excess calories not consumed by the body are stored as fat, leading to obesity.
Obesity is known to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even some cancers.


The carbohydrates in junk food cause a rapid rise in blood glucose levels.
The body produces more insulin to cope with this rapid rise in blood sugar, but a high-sugar diet over a long period of time causes the body to become less sensitive to insulin (insulin resistance).
This is one of the main causes of type 2 diabetes.

Mental Health

A direct relationship has been noted between junk food consumption and poor mental health.
Unhealthy eating habits can lead to imbalances in the brain’s neurotransmitters, which can cause stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental problems.
Obesity and body shape complexes can also lead to low self-esteem and social isolation.

Digestive problems

Junk food can also have a negative impact on the digestive system.
High-fat foods take longer to digest and increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.
Foods that contain additives and preservatives can also compromise the intestinal lining and increase the risk of constipation and inflammatory bowel disease.
Disturbances in the intestinal environment can also lead to nutrient malabsorption and immune system dysfunction, which can worsen overall health.

Cancer Risk

Recent studies have also shown a link between junk food and some types of cancer.
In particular, high-fat, high-calorie diets are one of the main causes of obesity, and obesity is a risk factor for several cancers, including breast, colon, and uterine cancer.
It has also been noted that certain additives and chemicals in junk food may directly increase the risk of cancer.

Effects on Bone Health

Junk food usually lacks essential minerals and vitamins.
Insufficient intake of nutrients that support bone health, such as calcium and vitamin D, increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
In particular, calcium deficiency can adversely affect bone growth in children and young adults.

Impact on the immune system

An unhealthy diet can also affect immune system function.
Excess sugar and fat in junk food can trigger an inflammatory response in the body, disrupting the balance of the immune system.
This can lead to decreased resistance to infections and increased risk of autoimmune diseases.

Nutritional Balance Chart for Hamburgers

McDonald’s, a major hamburger retailer, has published a nutritional balance graph for its products.
The page allows you to find out how much nutrients you can get from the combination of burgers, sides, and drinks of their products.

a clown sitting on a bench

栄養バランスチェック | メニュー情報 | 私たちの責任 | McDonald's Japan

Below is a graph of the percentage of each nutrient sufficiency for one McDonald’s hamburger.
Conditions: male, 18-29 years old, normal body level.

Nutrient sufficiency is not clear.

Practical advice for avoiding junk food

There are a wide variety of ways to resist the temptation of junk food and maintain a healthy diet.
Here we offer some more specific advice that is easy to incorporate into your daily diet.

Maintain a balanced diet.

  • Nourish with colorful foods:.
    Incorporate fruits and vegetables of various colors into your daily diet to naturally balance your nutritional needs.
    Brightly colored foods are rich in vitamins and minerals.
    By combining foods of various colors, such as red, green, and yellow, you can provide your body with a comprehensive range of nutrients it needs.
  • Maintain good health with Japanese superfoods:.
    In Japan, nutritious foods such as natto, seaweed, tofu, green tea, and mushrooms are readily available.
    These are Japan’s own superfoods, so to speak.
    Natto provides probiotics and vitamin K2, seaweed provides minerals and fiber, and tofu provides high-quality vegetable protein.
    In addition, matcha tea is rich in catechins, and mushrooms provide vitamin D and selenium, so be sure to incorporate these foods into your diet to support your health from the inside out.

Rediscover the charm of cooking for yourself.

  • Try these easy and healthy recipes:.
    Start cooking with simple, nutritionally balanced recipes that do not require complicated steps.
    For example, a colorful salad with a variety of vegetables or a quick fish dish baked in olive oil.
    These dishes are easy to prepare and bring color and nutrition to your daily diet.
  • Easy to prepare the day before:.
    Taking time over the weekend to do a week’s worth of prep work, such as chopping vegetables and marinating meat and fish, will make dinner preparation much easier on busy weekdays.
    Preparing ingredients in advance also reduces food waste.

Stay healthy with well-planned meals.

  • Manage smartly with the meal planning app:.
    When planning your daily meals, you can use a smartphone app that allows you to create grocery lists and search for recipes. This makes it easy to create shopping lists and prepare healthy meals.
  • Shopping well at markets and supermarkets:.
    Visit the market or supermarket on the weekends to purchase a week’s worth of food, choosing fresh fruits and vegetables and high-quality protein sources. Choosing seasonal produce will ensure that your meals are both nutritious and economical.

Healthy Snack Preparation.

  • Easy to make snacks at home:.
    Avoid processed foods and prepare fruit and vegetable smoothies and vegetable sticks at home.
    These are great for snacking as they are rich in vitamins and minerals and will help you feel full.
  • Nuts for a healthy energy charge:.
    Nuts such as almonds and walnuts provide good fats, protein, and minerals.
    Easy to consume, nuts are a great snack when you need energy, but be careful with the amount as they are high in calories.

Drinks support health.

  • Hydration is fundamental:.
    Proper hydration is essential for maintaining a healthy body.
    Water and white water in particular are calorie-free and help the body metabolize and detoxify.
  • Refresh yourself with green tea or oolong tea:.
    Green tea and oolong tea are rich in antioxidants and support physical and mental health.
    Tea is a great way to relax after a meal and is a natural way to feel satisfied.
  • Change things up with homemade fruit water or herbal teas:.
    To make your water intake more enjoyable, try making your own fruit water or herbal tea at home with fresh fruits and herbs.
    These are healthy beverage options that can be enjoyed without artificial sweeteners or calories.

Keep it in moderation and balanced.

  • Appetite control with water before eating:.
    The habit of drinking a glass of water before meals naturally suppresses appetite and prevents overeating.
    This is effective because it stimulates the satiety center, making it easier to feel satisfied with smaller portions.
  • Naturally adjust the amount of food by using smaller plates:.
    By reducing the size of the plate you use, you can unconsciously reduce the amount of food you eat.
    By serving on smaller plates, you naturally control the amount of food you eat and prevent overconsumption.


Junk food may bring temporary satisfaction, but in the long run it carries a great number of health risks.
We hope that young people in particular will be aware of the importance of a balanced diet for their future health.
Choosing healthy foods and being mindful of appropriate portions will help you live a longer and healthier life.
Avoid consuming junk food and aim for a health-first diet.

Your body is made of what you consume.

Have a Good Life!
