Pheromones and Body Odor: Influences on Love and Relationships


Hidden charms” are invisible to the eye, but everyone has them.
It is pheromones and body odor. Many people wonder: “Why is that person so popular when he/she is so inconspicuous?

“Why is that person so popular, even though he/she doesn’t stand out so much?”
“Why do people always gather around that person?”

One answer lies in pheromones and body odor.
This article explores how pheromones and body odor affect love and relationships, and how to maximize their appeal.

Pheromones and Body Odor

Pheromones and body odor are often confused, but there are important differences in their roles and effects.
Pheromones are chemicals secreted primarily to induce specific behavioral or emotional changes in other individuals of the same species, whereas body odor is a more broadly defined characteristic that is formed by a wide variety of factors, including individual health, genetic characteristics, and diet.

Pheromone Action

Pheromones are chemicals released by an organism to elicit a specific behavior or response from other individuals of the same species.
Human pheromones also have a significant influence** on our social interactions, especially romantic love, on an instinctive level.

Scientific studies have shown that pheromones unconsciously influence human behavior and emotions.

For example,

  • A breastfeeding baby identifies with the smell of its mother.
  • Pheromones secreted during times of stress, joy, or other emotions can trigger the same feelings in those around us.

And with regard to love, pheromones work in the following ways.

  • Unconsciously attract the opposite sex.
  • When choosing a romantic partner, we unconsciously identify the pheromones of the other person.

Significance of Body Odor

Body odor is an odor emanating from an individual’s body and is influenced by many factors, including health, hygiene, genetics, and diet.

Each person has a unique body odor, which unconsciously affects relationships.
**Body odor, like pheromones, has the power to attract or repel people. **

While a pleasant body odor may draw people in and increase trust and friendliness,
An unpleasant body odor can have the opposite effect.

For example, in a corporate interview or first meeting situation, too harsh body odor can create a negative first impression.
On the other hand, pleasant body odor helps attract people and build trust.

Of course, body odor also has no small effect on love and friendship.

Frequently Asked Questions

About pheromones

Where do pheromones come from in the body?

Pheromones are mainly produced by the human sweat glands.
In particular, chemicals in secretions from the apocrine glands are considered an important source of pheromones.
Apocrine glands are found in a limited number of body areas, including the underarms, around the nipples, behind the ears, and around the pubic area, and tend to become active after puberty.
The sweat secreted by these glands contributes significantly to the production of body odor, which can function as a pheromone, unintentionally influencing the behavior and emotions of others.

What is the age at which pheromones are at their maximum?

The amount and activity of pheromones varies with age and physiological status.
In general, it is believed that pheromone secretion is active from adolescence to young adulthood (about 18-35 years of age), when the sexes enter sexual maturity.
This indicates that one has reached a biologically reproductive age and serves as a natural mechanism for attracting the opposite sex.

Do even old people emit pheromones?

All people, regardless of age, emit pheromones, but the type and amount of pheromones may change as we age.
In old age, changes in hormonal balance can affect pheromone production, and this can lead to changes in their role in relationships.
For example, the exchange of pheromones between longtime partners and family members can promote intimacy and security.

Do pheromones disappear when a person dies?

When a person dies, physiological functions cease and production of other chemicals, including pheromones, also ends.
Since pheromones are produced by living cells, no new pheromones are produced after death.
However, pheromones that remain in the body for some time after death may be released from the body.

Can pheromones be increased?

Direct ways to intentionally increase one’s own pheromones are limited, but it is possible to improve their quality through healthy lifestyle habits.
Moderate exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and stress management can all improve pheromone quality.
These lifestyle habits are expected to improve overall health and, consequently, have a positive impact on pheromone production.

Can pheromones be created artificially?

Pheromones can be synthesized artificially.
Scientists have successfully synthesized the same or similar compounds in the laboratory by studying pheromones released by animals and determining their chemical structure.
As a result, artificially synthesized pheromones are used in a wide variety of applications, including pheromone traps to control pest behavior in agriculture and behavioral experiments in animal research.

For human pheromones, synthetic pheromones that mimic these compounds are also available on the market.
These synthetic pheromones are marketed as “pheromone perfume” or “mote perfume“.

However, research on human pheromones is still in its infancy, and no scientific consensus has been reached as to whether synthetic pheromones have exactly the same effect as naturally secreted pheromones.
These perfumes should be considered only as a supplementary means of enhancing personal attractiveness.

Pheromones and Body Odor: Influences on Love and Relationships

Pheromones and Body Odor: Influences on Love and Relationships


Are there machines that measure pheromones?

While sophisticated instruments exist in the field of scientific research to detect specific chemicals, specialized equipment to accurately measure pheromone concentrations is not generally available.

Does the quality of pheromones differ by race in different countries?

It is possible that there are differences in pheromone quality by race and country, but this is mainly due to genetic background, food culture, and living environment.
The basic human behaviors and emotions affected by pheromones remain the same.

About Body Odor

Where does body odor come from?

Body odor comes mainly from two types of sweat glands: apocrine and eccrine.
Apocrine glands are particularly abundant in the armpits and pubic area, and their secretions are decomposed by bacteria, resulting in body odor.

Is body odor inherited?

Body odor has an inherited component.
The intensity and quality of body odor is influenced by genes, so certain body odor characteristics can be passed from parent to child.

Does body odor change with age?

Yes, body odor changes with aging. Hormonal balance changes with aging and the composition of body odor changes, so body odor may become stronger, especially after middle age.

Does body odor change with the seasons?

Yes, body odor changes with the seasons. Especially in summer, body odor tends to be stronger due to increased perspiration. In winter, it can be dry and sebum secretion increases, resulting in different types of body odor.

Does diet affect body odor?

Dietary habits can greatly affect body odor. A high intake of certain foods, such as garlic, onions, and meat, can cause a strong body odor. Conversely, consuming more vegetables and fruits may reduce body odor.

Where should I consult for problems related to body odor?

You can consult a dermatologist or internist for problems related to body odor.
Specialized clinics and cosmetic surgeons also provide treatment and consultation regarding body odor.

What is the key to reducing body odor?

Regular showers, proper personal hygiene, a balanced diet, and adequate fluid intake are important to properly manage body odor.
Managing stress and exercising regularly can also help reduce body odor.
While “body odor is a personality trait,” few people like a “filthy body odor.


This was an introduction to the effects of pheromones and body odor on love and relationships.
Our attractiveness depends not only on our appearance and personality, but also largely on our invisible pheromones and body odor.
I hope that by learning about the effects of pheromones and body odor, we will be able to build good love and richer relationships.

Have a good life!
