Even men in their 40s and 50s can do it! 8 Secrets to a Vigorous and Energetic Senior Generation


Many men in their 40s and 50s may think that declining energy is “unavoidable” for them.

That is, to some extent it can’t be helped if you compare yourself to when you were in your 20s,
However, there is still a good chance that you can become as energetic as you were when you were in your 20s by reviewing your daily lifestyle and thinking.

Some people easily rely on erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs such as Viagra, but that is only a last resort.

In this article, I will share with you 8 practical tips for increasing your energy.
Please start by working at your own pace, starting with “where you can do it now.”

1. Fight off stress! Restore peace of mind and body.

In today’s society, stress is the biggest enemy of loss of energy.
Stress is caused by various pressures at work, at home, in relationships, etc., and it has a negative impact on the body and mind.
However, by practicing effective stress management techniques, you can regain your vitality.

10 Tips for Fighting Off Stress

Meditation and deep breathing: Habits that foster peace of mind

In the midst of your busy life, make a conscious effort to set aside time to face yourself.
Try adopting the habit of meditating or deep breathing in a quiet place with your eyes closed, even if it is only for 10 minutes every morning.
Breathing in slowly through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth activates the parasympathetic nervous system and leads the body and mind into a state of relaxation.
Yoga and mindfulness practices are also effective.

Exercise: Stress Relief and Physical Fitness

Moderate exercise is effective not only in relieving stress but also in improving physical fitness.
Exercise releases neurotransmitters that bring about a sense of well-being, such as serotonin and dopamine.
It is recommended to do exercise that suits you, such as walking, jogging, or muscle training, for about 30 minutes two to three times a week.

Hobbies: Find your own way to relax.

Having a hobby that you enjoy, such as listening to music, reading, watching movies, etc., is an effective stress reliever.
Finding a hobby that you can immerse yourself in can free you from work and relationship worries and refresh your body and mind.

Sleep: Reset stress with quality sleep.

Lack of sleep can cause increased stress.
Ensuring a good night’s sleep will help you recover from mental and physical fatigue and reduce stress.
By preparing your bedroom environment and going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, you can adjust your body clock and achieve a deeper sleep.

Communication: Letting out your worries instead of keeping them bottled up

Instead of keeping your problems to yourself, discussing them with family, friends, or someone you trust can help you feel better.
If you find it difficult to talk to family or friends, you may want to talk to a counselor or therapist.

Nutritionally Balanced Diet: Build a Stress-Free Body

Nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin C, and zinc can help reduce stress.
By actively consuming these nutrients, you can build a stress-resistant body.

  • Vitamin B group: pork, liver, eel, natto (fermented soybeans), brown rice, bananas, etc.
  • Vitamin C: acerola, kiwi, strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli, paprika, cauliflower, etc.
  • Zinc: oysters, liver, beef, nuts, soy products, etc.

Adequate sleep: rest the body and mind

Lack of sleep increases stress.
Getting a good night’s sleep can help reduce stress.

Moderate alcohol: relaxing effect

Moderate alcohol has a relaxing effect and can reduce stress.
However, excessive drinking is counterproductive, so be careful not to drink too much.

Contact with nature: Healing effect

Contact with nature relaxes the body and mind and can reduce stress.
Make a conscious effort to spend time in nature, such as in parks or forest bathing.

Having Gratitude: Positive Thinking

Having a sense of gratitude promotes positive thinking and reduces stress.
Try to be grateful in your daily life.

2. Moderate exercise: strengthens the body and mind for a more energetic body.

Exercise not only promotes testosterone secretion and improves muscle strength and stamina, but is also effective in relieving stress.
Regular exercise that suits you will not only increase your energy level, but also improve your health.

4 Exercises for Increased Vigor

Strength training: boost a man’s confidence

Strength training for 30 minutes two to three times a week will increase muscle mass and promote the natural release of testosterone.
Start with basic lifting such as bench press and squats, then gradually increase the weight to effectively increase muscle strength.
Incorporate high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to promote more efficient fat burning.

Aerobic Exercise: Improve cardiopulmonary function and energize your entire body.

Aerobic exercise, such as walking, cycling, and swimming, promotes heart health and improves blood flow throughout the body.
Aim for three sessions of 30 minutes each three times a week.
Incorporate interval training for more effective fat burning.

Stretching: Improves flexibility and performance

Stretching before and after exercise improves muscle flexibility and helps prevent injury.
It also promotes blood circulation and helps relieve fatigue.

Yoga: Relaxes the body and mind and improves vitality

Yoga relaxes the body and mind and reduces stress.
It also improves body flexibility and muscle strength.

3. Well-balanced diet: Increased vitality from within the body

A healthy diet supports increased vigor from within the body. Build the foundation of your body by actively consuming nutrients that are effective for increasing vigor.

7 Nutrients for Increased Vigor

  1. Protein:
    It is a building block of muscles and organs and also a source of energy. Protein is found in meat, fish, eggs, and soy products.
  2. B vitamins:
    Involved in energy metabolism and effective in relieving fatigue. It is abundant in pork, chicken, brown rice, seafood, etc.
  3. Vitamin C:
    Has antioxidant properties.
    Has an antioxidant effect and boosts the immune system. It is abundant in fruits and vegetables.
  4. Zinc:
    Zinc is a potent antioxidant that promotes the secretion of testosterone and increases energy.
    It promotes the secretion of testosterone and is effective in increasing energy. Oysters, liver, cashews, etc. are rich in zinc.
  5. Vitamin D:
    Maintains bone health and is also involved in testosterone secretion. It is naturally obtained through sun exposure, but can also be obtained from salmon, egg yolks, and foods fortified with vitamin D.
  6. Omega-3 fatty acids:.
    Helps to thin the blood and improve blood flow. Found in salmon, anchovies, flaxseed oil, etc.
  7. L-arginine:
    Promotes the production of nitric oxide and improves blood flow. It is abundant in meat, seafood, soy products, etc.

Key points of dietary life

  • Eat three well-balanced meals a day.
  • Include foods that are in season.
  • Chew your food slowly and thoroughly.
  • Avoid eating late at night.
  • Avoid eating between meals, and if necessary, choose healthy snacks.

Recommended foods

  • Oysters
  • Liver
  • Salmon
  • Bananas
  • Pork

4. Quality sleep: Deep sleep recharges vitality

Quality sleep plays an important role not only in increasing vitality, but also in recovery from fatigue and memory retention.
Achieve deeper sleep by preparing your sleeping environment and reviewing your lifestyle.

5 Tips for Quality Sleep

Create a good bedroom environment.

Ideally, the bedroom should be a dark, quiet and cool environment.
Use blackout curtains and earplugs to block out external stimuli such as light and sound.
Also, keep the room temperature between 16-26°C to create a comfortable sleeping environment.

Maintain a regular rhythm of life.

Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate the body’s internal clock, making it easier to get a good night’s sleep.
Limit naps to 30 minutes or less and avoid staying up late.

Review your bedtime routine.

Consuming caffeine or alcohol before bed can reduce the quality of sleep.
In addition, looking at a smartphone or computer screen wakes up the brain and makes it difficult to fall asleep.
Before bedtime, engage in relaxing activities such as reading or light stretching.

Moderate Exercise: Improves Sleep Quality

Moderate exercise can improve sleep quality.
However, be aware that strenuous exercise just before bedtime may adversely affect your ability to sleep.

Get tested for sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition in which a person stops breathing during sleep.
Sleep apnea can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep and cause loss of energy.
If you suspect you have sleep apnea, see your health care provider for an examination.

5. Quit smoking: Smoking cigarettes can do a hundred harms and no good.

Smoking cigarettes has the following negative effects on the body that can cause loss of energy.

  • Constricts blood vessels and worsens blood flow.
  • Interferes with oxygen supply through carbon monoxide.
  • Suppresses testosterone production.

Quitting smoking improves these negative effects and increases vigor.

6. Communicate with your partner.

Decreased energy can be caused by poor communication with your partner, such as your wife or girlfriend.
Communicating honestly with your partner about your feelings and deepening mutual understanding may result in a recovery of vigor.

7. Use of supplements

If diet alone is not sufficient to provide the necessary nutrients, supplements are another option.
Supplements that are effective in increasing vigor include the following

  • Zinc supplements
  • Maca supplements
  • DHEA supplements
  • Citrulline supplements
  • L-arginine supplements

However, supplements should be used only as a supplement.

8. Support from a doctor, counselor, or other professional

If your loss of energy does not improve after trying lifestyle modifications and self-care, we recommend that you consult a doctor, counselor, or other professional.

Visit a medical institution such as a urologist, internist, or psychosomatic medicine to receive appropriate treatment.
If you have psychological problems such as stress, anxiety, or depression, you may also benefit from counseling.
Counseling and psychotherapy may help to increase your energy.
They may also be able to provide you with appropriate medications.

Consult a specialist in these situations.

  • Lifestyle modifications and self-care attempts have not helped the loss of vigor.
  • You have a significantly decreased libido.
  • Symptoms such as ED (erectile dysfunction) are present.
  • You are experiencing physical discomfort in addition to loss of energy.


To improve your energy, it is important to improve your lifestyle, exercise moderately, eat a well-balanced diet, get a good night’s sleep, manage stress, and get professional help.
Use these tips to find and implement methods that work for you, and maintain full vitality regardless of your age.

Have a Good Life!
